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Top 10 Tips To Quit Smoking

05 Jan 2024 0 Comments
Top 10 Tips To Quit Smoking

Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier, smoke-free life, but you're worried about the difficulties of breaking old habits? Don’t worry; we’ve got just the solution for you, and that is - vaping! 

Not only is vaping 95% less harmful than smoking, but it also ditches the traditional idea of tobacco combustion, doesn't stain your teeth and also smells and tastes much more pleasant, with a hint of delicious flavours!

The best part is you will noticeably feel your energy levels increase while your body starts to repair the damage caused by smoking. Within 1 week your sense of taste and smell may have improved. Within 3 months you will be coughing and wheezing less, your immune function and circulation to your hands and feet will be improving, and your lungs will be getting better at removing mucus, tar and dust.

To help you make a switch and quit smoking, we’ve gathered the best 10 tips you should know! So, without wasting any more minutes, read on!

What Are The Best Tips For Quitting Smoking

1. Pick A Date

Since quitting smoking right away isn’t very effective or possible, you can start by picking a date from the calendar, which should be a month away, so you’ll have enough time to prepare your mind. Thus, when the date arrives, you will have to stop smoking by then.

2. Basics Of Vaping Devices

As we’re talking about switching to vaping to minimise withdrawal symptoms and cravings, make sure you know everything about the new habit before starting it. For example, the type of vaping device you should choose and its merits and demerits for an uninterrupted vaping experience.

3. Nicotine Strength

Thirdly, it’s essential to choose the nicotine strength for your vaping device to ensure a seamless transition. If you’re an avid smoker and consume more than 1 pack a day, then 18-20 mg of nicotine would do.

Similarly, you should select from the range of 10-12 mg of nicotine if you smoke just one pack a day. Additionally, 5-6 mg of nicotine strength is essential for a social smoker consuming 10 cigarettes a day, and 3 mg of strength for an occasional smoker.

4. Flavour Selection

Though vaping has a lot of flavours you can choose from, if leaving the traditional tobacco flavour is difficult for you, multiple brands offer tobacco e-flavours you can try! And the best part? You won’t be putting your health at risk!

5. Set A Routine

While quitting smoking through vaping is an effective step, you have to make sure you don’t relapse and fall back into the old routine of smoking. So, to manage that, you should set a routine with minimal breaks to satisfy smoke cravings through vaping.

6. Exercise & Meditation

Besides setting up a routine, make sure you’re staying healthy and active through exercising. Although you don’t have to pick heavy weights, aerobic exercise would be enough. Other than that, you can also try meditation to keep yourself content and focused.

7. Stay Hydrated

Do you know that lower water levels in your body also add up to smoke cravings? So, make sure you’re drinking water properly throughout the day to avoid such inconveniences!

8. Join Support Groups

We all need motivation to keep going through such drastic changes in our lives; remember, you don’t need to be alone! Instead, you can look up and find such support communities to discuss your problems and seek relevant guidance to keep going. And guess what? Vaping communities all over the world offer support groups you can join easily!

9. Consult A Professional

While managing withdrawal symptoms through vaping is a compelling idea, you shouldn’t refrain from connecting with a professional in case things go out of hand. So, if you start to experience severe symptoms of addiction and anxiety, which aren’t manageable despite vaping, reach out to the doctor immediately!

10. Stay Persistent

Since the overall process can be hectic and affect your mental and physical health, don’t give up and try to stay persistent. Remember, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel!

How To Stay Strong And Quit Smoking 

Though quitting smoking at once can cause withdrawal issues, using vaping as an alternative can be helpful. Therefore, we listed the top 10 tips you can consider when switching. Also, remember to stay persistent throughout the process. Good luck!

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