I Vape Great Receives PMTA Acceptance Letter from FDA

I Vape Great Receives PMTA Acceptance Letter From FDA: We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given I Vape Great a letter of acceptance for its premarket tobacco product application (PMTA), confirmed...

A Quick Guide To Vaping Devices

A Beginners Guide Intro: If you have seen young adults with tech-y gadgets with which they smoke, then you must have lots of questions. This phenomenon is a modern form of smoking, called vaping. Vaping uses cutting-edge gadgets...

An Introduction To Vaping

A Beginners Guide What Is E-Liquid? E-Liquid also known as e-juice is the liquid you put into your vape devices and it is available in an amazing array of flavors, that you have probably already smelled when passing a...

What E-Liquid Is Right For Me?

A Beginners Guide There are three types of E-Liquids we make in our vape labs here in the U.K, 70/30, 50/50 and Salt Nicotine 50/50. 50ml 70:30 E-Liquid (Short-fill): First of all, let’s have a look at 70/30...


I Vape Great Makes Unprecedented Move to Help Smokers in a Huge Gesture 2020 has been rough for a lot of people and iVapeGreat is trying its hardest to put a smile back on people's faces, the first by creating a bounce-back loan...

Locked at Home? Improve your Mental Well Being

MENTAL WELL BEING Taking care of your mind and body is really important if you are staying at home during lockdown. The lockdown is having an effect on everyone and impacting every day lives, it’s difficult but by...

Tips To Quit Smoking

CHOOSE THE RIGHT NICOTINE STRENGTH: Work out how many cigarettes you smoke a day then compare that to how much nicotine you need, generally we find; Light smokers 1-5 cigarettes a day:  We advise to try 3mg e-liquids....